Family Support with Knowledge and Attitudes in Hypertension Patients
family support, knowledge, hypertension sufferersAbstract
Hypertension is a disease characterized by an increase in blood pressure above normal. This disease requires continuous treatment measures and healthier behavior changes. In fact, many people with hypertension did not comply with taking medication or were reluctant to improve their diet and lifestyle. Some of the contributing factors are related to the lack of family support, the level of knowledge, and attitudes of people with hypertension. This study aimed to analyze family support, knowledge, and attitudes of people with hypertension in overcoming their disease. This study was a cross-sectional study conducted in Tegal City. This sample was 200 hypertensive patients who have been diagnosed for more than six months and had undergone medical hypertension therapy. Research data was collected using a questionnaire instrument. Data presentation was done descriptively and cross-tabulation. Field findings show that 87% of subjects come from supportive families, 48% have poor knowledge and 77% have very good attitudes. The p-values ??of the statistical test of the correlation between family support and knowledge and attitudes are 0,000 and 0,007. The results of the field findings indicate that there is a significant relationship between family support and the knowledge and attitudes of people with hypertension (p-value<0,05). Family support has an important role in increasing knowledge and shaping attitudes of people with hypertension.
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